When I started
posting here again after a long gap, it was because I was coming to the end of
writing a novel and I thought this might be a place where I could reflect on the process
of beginning something new. And beginning something new is definitely what I
feel I should be doing. So where’s that should
coming from? What’s the
compulsion to write?
Johnson said that no man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money, and so
far no one’s made me an offer I can’t refuse. More often than not, writing
fiction is a speculative activity, and not one that’s likely to make you rich. The
upfront costs are minimal (a room of one’s own being handy rather than
essential) but that means anyone can have a go, so there’s a lot of competition
out there.
And if I’m
not sure what to write next, why not put my energy into some day job or other until
the writing mood takes me – next week, next month, next year? A few reasons
come to mind.
Because if I’m going to call myself a
writer, I ought to be writing.
This is
partly about building some career momentum, but it’s also personal. I know
people for whom being Irish is crucially important, or Jewish, or working class,
and I’ve never fully understood the importance of those attachments, perhaps
because I’m a half this, half that, lower-middle, upwardly-mobile, ex-something
or other. But I feel like a writer, and once you’ve found out what you are, you
should probably be that thing.
Because if inspiration is the
solution, first you have to pose the problem.
For the
ancient Greeks it was the breath of the muse. After Freud we’re less likely to
think of it descending from the gods than rising from the unconscious. I’ll go
with that, though not with Freud’s notion of the id as a seething chaos of
anarchic impulses. I once thought that the role of the unconscious in art was to
provide the formless raw material that the conscious mind must craft into a
coherent shape. Then I actually wrote a novel and discovered that a surprising
amount of crafting goes on while you’re asleep or otherwise occupied. I also
discovered that some days you have to write rubbish so that you can wake up
next morning knowing how to fix it.
Because I’m happier when I’m doing
The thing
about writing a story is that it takes you into some other place. The
particular thing about writing a novel is that it’s a place you can spend
months or years constructing around you. No doubt there’s an escapist element
to that. But there’s also the appeal of being repeatedly challenged, by the
logic of the narrative, to write about things you would otherwise have avoided,
or to try ways of writing you thought were beyond you. At some point, in other
words, you stop having to push and you start feeling pulled.
Really interesting about the process, Joe. You always write well whatever the subject.